Estados Unidos
Número Anuncio: 12334845
Anunciante: No registrado
Fecha: 10-06-2020
Categoría:  Animales > Perros > Vendo
English Bulldog Puppies!!! for more information text me call or whatsapp: +1(415) 237-3105‬ We have 4 beautiful puppes for sale. 1 male and 1 female. They were a littler of 7 and I have placed 2 of the puppies and I am keeping one :) The remaining puppies are all so wonderful and are very playful and are crate and puppy pad trained. They eat 3 times a day (eukanuba mixed with baby cereal and goats milk) and I they run around all day in my backyard with their big brother Maximus. Two of they boys are a light brown (not fawn) and white and the other boy is an all brindle with a patch on his eye. The female is a light brindle and white with eye liner on one of her eyes, SO CUTE! ***If you respond to my ad please put human in the subject line as we all know how these scammers are out there*** for more information text me call or whatsapp: +1(415) 237-3105‬

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